STUK Designs is a global art organization that celebrates girls and women through self love, spirituality and social justice.
As featured in KQUED ARTS
STUK Designs (pronounced "stuck"), stands for Strong, Talented, United, and Knowledgeable. STUK Designs is an art organization that celebrates girls and women through self love, spirituality and social justice. STUK uplifts and supports girls of color globally, through arts-driven programming and a clothing brand. STUK aims to “stick” girls to positive mental health and higher purpose instead of seeing them “stuck” in toxic jobs, environments or relationships. STUK’s philosophy is “Self Love First”, STUK believes that in teaching young girls self love, they will carry that Love through their adolescence and into their careers.
STUK Designs believes art saves lives, self love heals and that underserved girls of color deserve inclusion in the art world. We have a partner school in Ghana that we giveback to monthly. STUK uplifts and educates through our shop, a blog, two programs, STUK Academy (art classes) and events. STUK art merchandise proceeds go towards two programs. Evolve, connect, shop, give and grow with STUK!
“A woman who loves is powerful. A woman who loves herself, is unstoppable!”
Little Heartists
Little Heartists, our first program teaches kids self love through art. It helps children affected by anxiety, stress, trauma or social media addiction find new ways to share their feelings and experiences by incorporating meditation and intention setting into each lesson.
"It is said that girls with dreams become women with vision. May we empower each other to carry out such vision.”
The F.L.Y Girl Initiative
Our second program is The First, Love, Yourself Initiative. It is our grant program. It allows us to give educational funs to individual girls in underserved communities, so that they can afford art supplies, school tuition, meals, clothes etc.! It matures girls who lack financial confidence into limitless women who do what they love for a living.