HERSTORY with Tazeen Shaikh
1.) What traumas or life experiences shaped your self love journey?
I’ve had multiple experiences both in the past and the present. My story has bullying, failure, losing relations, struggling with mental illness; the details of some of these are still difficult to talk about. A aggregate of all of my experiences over the years have made an impact on me. Going from doubting my self worth, being made to believe I’m not good enough, blaming myself for all the wrong in my life, to thinking- hold up, I’ve got this all wrong. I deserve to be loved by myself.
I accepted that the one person who has been with me through it all was me, and I was being so unfair to her. Instead, I need to love her, to trust her.
2.) Have you ever or do you currently struggle with mental health? If so, in what ways?
It’s difficult to open up and lay yourself bare if I’m being honest, but it’s time people start speaking their truth. I do struggle with my mental health. I drown, pull myself back up, go down once again, and the exhausting cycle continues. But I’m holding on to hope, I owe myself that.
At this point in life I realize there was a time in the past where I struggled as well but I kept pushing it away.
When you reach a breaking point because of whatever you’re going through currently, all the unhealed wounds that you tried to bury in the past resurface.
I’m making peace with them.
As for the present, some days are harder than the rest. But the only way out is to continue fighting your silent battle.
Although, it doesn’t have to be silent. You can ask for help. Its always around the corner.
3.) How do you prioritize mental health during life’s highs and lows?
Always make space for me-time. No matter how chaotic things are, no matter how busy your day is, you’ve got to take a couple moments each day to pause. Your me-time could consist of organizing your thoughts, or not thinking anything at all, or calming your breathing, or listening to music; whatever helps you regain composure.
Another thing that I find helpful is having a daily routine tailored specifically to your needs. It makes you feel safe, and prevents you from feeling overwhelmed.
Life can get pretty rough, and so you need to build a defense mechanism to keep your mental health in check.
4.) What would you teach your younger self about the importance of practicing self love?
In a world where you’re constantly reminded of your flaws and made to think you’re not good enough, self-love is the one weapon you have to break down all the barriers and live the life you deserve. You’re indestructible if you know your worth.
5.) What role does STUK DESIGNS play in your journey?
When I came across STUK, I instantly fell in love with their message and work. It gave me the chance to be surrounded by hardworking and self-loving women who give off such contagious positive energy. I’ve had the chance to read and know the opinions of so many inspiring queens. This community has been a catalyst in my self love journey and Im so glad I found them!
6.) Is there any woman on social media who inspires you daily?
I can’t talk about just one. We’re blessed by so many fierce women!
For starters, Jameela Jamil and Emma Watson. They’re creating such an impact, and inspire me every single day. They are truly influential!
Also, Aija Mayrock. She is a poet, and an activist, and wow, she is powerful! Im absolutely in love with her.