Struggle: Dancing in the Rain by Brette Sims


Today I had the most uplifting conversation with a friend about struggle. He reminded me that when I feel like I’m struggling, it is important to remember that I’m not the only one. We all have struggles and we are all connected. Struggle is a part of growth. Without struggle there can be no progress. In the midst of struggle everyone thinks their own is most important and most serious. It’s important to pull ourselves out of that closed consciousness and open our eyes to the fact that we are all rolling along on this journey of life together and learning as we go.  It’s okay to share our struggles, because when we share them we teach and elevate those who surround us. As Nelson Mandela said in his 1994 inauguration speech:

“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Sharing our struggles is a scary, but a necessary part of becoming brighter creative beings of light. The end of struggle is rarely ever continuous darkness. It leads us to a more elevated place of being.

I think it’s important to remember that a struggle is just preparation for what’s about to come. Our stories of struggle make us stronger. People find it hard to smile in times of struggle, but sometimes our struggles can have the most beautiful outcomes when we share them, allowing our friends and family to help us find silver linings, and dance… even in the rain.

- Brette Sims, STUK Founder