Where do you belong?


There has to be a space for your energy, somewhere.


I suppose its inevitable isn’t it, the feeling of not belonging anywhere?

You spend all this time trying to find your place and in a span of a few moments, it’s swept away from beneath your feet. The feeling is all too familiar for most of us.

The question remains- is it true? Do you actually belong nowhere? Is there no place for you?

Obviously, not.

But how do you get yourself to believe it? How do you regain that sense of belonging?

I am unsure if I have a definitive answer as I write this myself. But I do believe that if you are put on this earth, there has to be a space for your energy, somewhere.

Feeling lost, feeling that you’re falling behind while everyone else is rushing forward to their goals, feeling like you don’t know where it is that you want to be, and even if you figure that out, you don’t know how to get there- I’m sure we’ve all felt at least one of these at some point in our lives.

Perhaps you aren’t where you used to be before, or maybe you haven’t yet reached where you want to be, the most important thing to remember is that you always have the power to change your circumstance.

It is, without a doubt, not easy. The strength and will to continue on a course that guides you to achievement must be strong.

However, it is understandable that such strength cannot be derived overnight. Trying to run with a broken leg can only get you so far.

We all need time and space to resolve our issues, rest, and connect with our purpose to move forward.

Rest followed by hard work can take you places. Work like your life depends on it, because it does. But breathe when you’re exhausted. It would be a mistake to overlook this balance in the quest of achieving your goal.

Once you figure out what you need, remind yourself of who you are, and commit yourself to where you have to go. Henceforth, you can begin your journey to finding your place.

Now let’s talk of another aspect of belonging, which is, belonging with people.

A lot of the times, people are afraid to take up space. Hesitation circles around the idea of revealing their true selves out of fear of not being accepted, out of fear of being too much. This is also one of the reasons for feeling that you don’t belong anywhere.

It’s natural, isn’t it? If you don’t allow yourself to unfold, all people are going to know is the shell you protect yourself in. That’s going to create a barrier between you and ones around you.

If you don’t grant them access to the real you, how can you expect them to accept the parts they are unaware of? Makes sense?

So open up. Take up as much space as you need. Be exactly who you want to be. Following this, if there are people who can’t accept you, understand that they aren’t meant for you.

Rest assured, that you do have a place. There is a place for you with the right people, the right atmosphere, the right energy. There is a place where you are accepted, celebrated, and understood. It’s only a matter of time before you find it.

So be patient, and be you.


Blog Manager.