STUK Team Story- Madelyn Steurer

You’re probably wondering: “How in the WORLD did a girl from Indiana meet these incredible women from California AND India?”. Honestly, it’s a story all about divine timing and self love. 

It all started when I was 8 years old. I was acting professionally and spending most of my time when I wasn’t in school at auditions with hundreds of other girls. I was subjected to rejection, judgment, and jealousy from other girls I was “competing” against to get coveted roles in plays. At such a young age, this can be pretty detrimental to a young girl’s confidence. Imagine stepping into a room of over 500 girls, waiting a month later to hear that you got the role, only to be bullied by other girls when the play started because they were jealous or insecure about your talent.

Before I went into every audition, my mom would tell me to “Sparkle like a star”. THAT was my first experience with self love. I had no idea what it was before then. But my mom taught me that self love is all about keeping your integrity and being comfortable in being unique. At each audition, I would go in with a heightened sense of self worth after this reminder. It was like carrying around a small hug with me wherever I went. Still to this day before big events or exams or interviews, I whisper my mom’s words to myself before I go in. 

Fast forward to many years later. I’m a sophomore in college at the University of Notre Dame grappling with pressure from an elite university, comparison in competing for state pageants, body image issues associated with being on my university’s cheerleading team, and so much more. I decided that my goal in life was to champion women - to remind each woman of their individuality and encourage them to think about life like this: just because another girl is shining doesn’t mean you can’t also shine! A rose is just as beautiful as a daisy, but they are beautiful in DIFFERENT ways.

That’s when I became the Fan Girl Friday intern at an organization called I Am That Girl. IATG is a non-profit focused on teaching girls skills in confidence, love, support, service, and most importantly, integrity. That’s when I met Brette Sims, the founder of STUK Designs. I was assigned to interview Brette about her organization - but really, I had no idea of the immense impact she was making. I literally was so enamored with the quality of her art that little did I know, she was so focused on giving back to other girls of color with the proceeds from her shop.

I quickly became a member of the STUK blog team and started writing monthly blogs like this one about my journey to a healthy mindset, spirituality, and manifestation. One day, that role evolved into me being asked by the team if I would join them as Partnerships Director, and I couldn’t have been more thrilled!

Since then, I have enjoyed connected STUK with like-minded people who have the same mission of uniting strong and talented individuals for the greater good of our world all while giving much-needed arts education and supplies to young girls of color across the globe. I am so blessed to be where I am and to be a member of this incredible team. It is one of the greatest lights in my life!

XOXO STUK Girl Madelyn

Madelyn Steurer

Partnerships Director