Butterfly by Thea Monyee

I love spoken word. When I was in college at Loyola Marymount University, we had this place called, “The Living Room”. It was this cute coffee shop and open mic space that looked straight out of the sitcom ‘Friends’. This was where I was blessed to hear Thea Monyee preform live for the first time and the power of her voice blew me away.

She inspired my self love journey through her words and by walking powerfully in her own authenticity. Back then as a twenty something college student I was really insecure and not fully walking in self love. But what’s important and what matters is that I wanted to. So after hearing this stunning woman radiate her truth using such beautiful imagery, I made a choice. I made a choice to go on an adventure of loving every part of myself because one day I wanted to be able to speak my own truth in the same way!

Thank you for being such an inspiration Thea! I ended up reaching out to her community and she follows us on Instagram! I love the power of community and spoken word!

Get into this powerful piece!

- Love, STUK Founder
