Triggered: Calm down girl, don't pop off!

Jhené Aiko is saving us all thousands of dollars in therapy. 

"Trigger Protection Mantra" is a sound meditation. It is best heard through headphones for maximum benefit. You should be able to actively FEEL the sound waves. The video is accompanied with calming, kaleidoscopic imagery. "Calm down, calm down, calm down, eventually," she muses throughout the tune, as she plays alchemy crystal singing bowls "in the key of A (third eye), E (solar plexus) and C (root chakra)."

"The E note will help in oversensitivity to criticism, will support in releasing the need to control, and support the boosting of self esteem," she further explained. "Note of A will support release of nightmares and learning difficulties and strengthen high intuition and charisma. Note of high C connects to the cosmos, to the quantum field in the vibrational frequency of love. Super powerful notes, voicings and Alchemies."

Basically it’s just bomb! We all feel trigged some times and this meditation will help calm your ass down, so you won’t pop off! Ha!

All Love!

- Xo, The STUK Team