HERSTORY with Nadia Hasan
a perfect balance between motherhood and individuality
From the woman behind anintrovertedblogger: Nadia
Interview by: #STUKGIRL Tazeen
1) How are you currently managing work while under quarantine? How is being quarantined affecting your mental health?
I will be honest and admit that it has not been easy during this time. Practically speaking, being under quarantine, gives you more time to be at home and catch up on everything that has been put on hold. That being said, you have to be in the right frame of mind to actually get the work done. With the constant worry and news coming in of corona virus cases, my mind has been preoccupied and I am feeling overwhelmed. I haven’t been able to focus on my work as well as I would have liked to. I try to get as much done as I can, but I try not to beat myself up if my blog work takes backseat.
2) Could you talk about your blog called ‘An introverted blogger’ and how it came into being?
I had always been fond of writing and the blog seemed like a good place to publish my work. I felt it would give me a place to express what I felt in the form of personal reflections and a chance to explore creative writing with my flash fiction stories. Once I started it, it helped me keep my mind occupied and productive. The name of the blog pretty much speaks for itself. I didn’t even think twice about it. It just spoke to me and made me feel real.
3) How do you prioritize your mental health in the middle of work and being a mom?
When school routines are hectic with the kids, a moms’ mental health can go unnoticed. I think the best way to keep it in check for me is to have two or three things that keep me grounded. One of them for me is a good cardio workout. If I skip days, I feel groggy and unwell, so I try to stay consistent for my health and well being. I also try to make sure I read at some point in the day. It is usually before bed, or occasionally when I am waiting for my children to finish an after- school activity. I find reading extremely therapeutic. It is that little bit of calm during a hectic day that helps.
4) What traumas or life experiences shaped your self-love journey?
I’ll be honest, I don’t think I am healed enough to talk about my life experiences or traumas. But one of the important things that has transpired from those experiences is the ability to say no. When I say no now, I no longer give a reason or justify it. Having the ability and freedom to say no has freed me up in many ways. I just wish I understood this sooner and in many other circumstances.
5) Have you ever or do you currently struggle with mental health? If so, in what ways?
I have been struggling with mental health for a few years. I did not understand what was happening to me. It was confusing and overwhelming. Perhaps if I had understood it, I would have sought help sooner. It was only when it started affecting my ability to make it through the day, is when I sought help. I have suffered from panic attacks, palpitations and many other symptoms of anxiety but it took me a while to come to terms with my diagnosis. I cannot thank my health care physician who took care of me during this very difficult time.
6) Since you possess a great love for reading, how would you pitch the importance of ‘reading more’ to the new generation?
In this digital age, children may not understand that reading is crucial or understand the significance of reading. But as parents we can help them develop a love for reading without it feeling like a chore to them. If the newer generation can find stories that pull them in, they will want to read more. One of the most requested questions I get on my blog, is how do you get your kids to read? Both my children are avid readers and go through books quickly. I think reading to them early on was very significant. Also, even when they are teens, it helps if you read aloud or read a story together. Perhaps though the most important aspect is that children learn by seeing. If they see you read, they are more inclined to do it themselves.
7) What would you like to teach your kids about the importance of practicing self-love?
I suffered or perhaps still suffer, from perfectionism and I feel I may have passed that on to my kids as well. Having realized that, I am trying to teach them to be more compassionate with themselves. We all know middle school and high school has many disappointments. Not making the school team, not getting the best grade, or conflicts with team projects. Having them practice self-compassion is one of the ways that can help them. My daughter also journals, which we’ve found very helpful in understanding feelings and changing one’s perspective.
8) Is there any woman on social media who inspires you daily?
There is a powerhouse of women on social media that are inspirational, and it’s empowering to watch and learn from them. The first person that comes to mind, is someone I have been following for a while now. Her name is Zehra from The Fit Nest and she goes by the social media handle of @zallibhai. She is a fitness coach and mother of two in Canada. I am inspired by her stories that are filled with lovely family moments. Whether it is skipping rope with her kids, or taking nature walks, or cooking a family meal – I love how the family comes together.