Chapter 2020


Chapter 2020




Highest form of flattery. 


Ebb and flow of jealousy, what we don't see. 

Hatred that manifests in different forms. Racists that want us to conform. 

These mask that we wear, what do they mean? Silence my voice so that I can not speak..

Fearful tactics for their Political gain while they kill us our streets.


Unfortunate for them but very fortunate for me, our power will never cease nor decrease.

Our DNA embedded code runs deep. Ancestral energy never sleeps. Justice or no peace, literally on repeat. 

Honoring the cycles of Mother Earth she always takes care of me ,him, us, and we.  Children of the unhealed emotional memory, trauma blasted on tv. 

Marching and chanting freedom is what we seek.   

As seasons change our message still remains. 

This painful cry out to his momma and Breanna Taylor's death will not stay in vain. In the words of Nina Simone... 

'I choose to reflect the times and situations in which I find myself' 

Poetic Justice is just the same.