Authenticity Creates Better Art

Art is something that breeds thought


Now I get it, you might ask why I preface the question. To prove a point.  Speaking your truth also comes with owning the bad parts you know! On top of that, is it proving a point or is it calling yourself out? 

Everyday people walk around with a filter. Sometimes the filter is that they form to fit the colors other people make of them, and sometimes they simply can’t see the color that they are painting. 

Let’s start by saying, standing in your truth is a beautiful thing. This could be when you’re unapologetic for who you are and strive to be the best version of yourself. Your world shifts when you embody this, you create better opportunities and others see your shine as well. But its a hard to get to that point of full self acceptance, and that’s okay! We are all growing at our own pace, work with what you have now and keep creating. The beauty is bound to come, and it all starts from within.

Art is something that breeds thought. 

Whether it be for aesthetic, decoration, clothing, or documentation, a statement is made.

So naturally what we put into it, is what we get out of it.

Yet still, art breed perception. Perception of intent upon creation and perception of what a viewer interprets.

We can see this in one of the most famous paintings by Vincent Van Gogh- “Starry Night”.

At the time he painted that he was broke, severely depressed and actually living in a mental hospital. However, merely looking at the beautiful painting, this most likely would not be your first thought of the artist. Despite his circumstances, he stayed true to his heart and created his own perspective which still, two decades later, inspires millions.

This goes to show you can create something amazing and impactful even if you don’t have all the pieces yet.

Just stay true to who you are and where you are at, and do good. The rest will come naturally!

And remember, confidence and effort will prove itself! 

Pay no mind to the haters!

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Source List-

van Gogh, Vincent . The Starry Night. 1889, oil on canvas, Museum of Modern Art, New      


YouTube. (2018). Better Know: The Starry Night | The Art Assignment | Pbs Digital Studios. YouTube.