“A #STUKGIRL is a multidimensional woman of substance. She wears many entrepreneurial hats in this life, embraces her own creativity and self love to the fullest. She does what she loves and inspires others while doing it. And she helps teach girls about self love” – STUK Designs


Tazeen has been on our team since late 2018/early 2019. She is one of the most passionate women I have ever met. Her zodiac sign is a Cancer and she embodies that to the core; she is kind, loving, patient and nurturing (especially to herself). Her conscious wisdom helps our team flow through obstacles with faith and understanding. She is a writer and a mental health advocate. Her addition to the STUK team has allowed us to highlight the supreme importance of self love BEING an aspect of mental health. Mental health is an integral part of any self love journey and until you go through a mental health battle I’m not sure if anyone can truly grasp how profoundly important the foundation of self love is. Tazeen also wrote about her mental health journey through the lens of characters in her own self published book - The Fire You Don't See! Tazeen IS in essence the complete vibe of a #STUKGIRL. She has been such a pure blessing to us as a friend, team member and sister! Dive into her beautiful story:

Your Name:

Tazeen Shaikh

Your Zodiac Sign:


Where are you from?

Mumbai, India

What’s your focus, purpose, passion, and contribution to the world?

There are a couple things I’m passionate about. I truly believe in and work towards raising awareness about mental health, spreading kindness, teaching self love, and understanding compassion. The realities each of us live in can sometimes be harsh, which makes having a safe haven all the more necessary.

How do you do it and who do you do it with?

The best way of serving my purpose is by having conversations. I do this by writing and speaking about matters of significance. Social media can be used to do so much good, and so in the midst of the chaotic internet I try to use the platform to do just that.
I also happened to come across STUK Designs and was introduced to women who share my passions. It has been so fulfilling to work beside them as well. 

What are your special talents?

Interviewing women on mental health and social issues!

What are you working on at the moment?

The STUK on Self Love Podcast as always. There also a few new exciting things coming up. Maybe one of them might be out by the time this is published. Plus, my own personal projects as usual.

What does your art mean to you?

My art is what I choose to do with my words. I have always had the inclination for it and it has a special place in my heart.

What does love mean to you?

Love is gentle yet powerful. It has the capability to turn tides and calm storms. Love seems to have gotten more and more lost, and so the world needs to find it again. The world needs it. There is so much we can do for each other, so many lives we can change for the better if we focus on love.

How does your zodiac sign impact the way you love?

I don’t exactly know much about the signs. But I hear the Cancer sign is supposed to be sensitive. Does that mean I love more deeply? I’m really not sure. I would love for someone who knows better to answer this question haha.

What does God mean to you?

My religion (being Muslim) is very close to my heart. It gets me through the most difficult of times. It gives me peace.

When did you learn self-love?

A lot later than I should have. But there is a time and reason for everything. I truly learnt about self love only a few years ago.

How has practicing self-love changed your life?

It has made some drastic changes in my life. I finally realize my worth and understand what I deserve. Being kind to myself has been most challenging but it is so important and I’m constantly working on it.

What is your philosophy of life?

There is ample kindness to go around. There is no necessity for hate, but dire need of love. 

What advice would you give someone who is attempting to make a dream into a career?

I say this to myself as well- It takes dedication and hardwork. It was never going to be easy. There are days when there might be no motivation either. But none of this means that your dreams are not worth it. They are. So keep pushing. 

Nobody knows I… really don’t have much to hide.

I wish I could stop... women from putting themselves last while serving others first. 

Self love means… seeing yourself for who you truly are including the flaws and past errors but loving all of you regardlessly. 

I find true beauty in… acceptance.

I want to teach my child or children that... you are allowed to be yourself. You do not have to live your life trying to fulfill the dreams and needs of others. You can truly embrace yourself and live life on your terms.