
What is Perseverance?


What exactly does ‘Perseverance’ mean and how does one use it as a tool to aid growth?

Perseverance is moving forward despite hardships and delays in achieving success.

The task at hand can seem simple, or elaborate. It can feel inconsequential, or significant. Perhaps, it can even seem impossible.

The first most important thing is to not get entangled in self-doubt, and neither be devalued by the perception of others. The only thing that holds weight is the importance of that task in your overall journey; and undoubtedly, your commitment to it.

The matter intended for success could be a career path, healing from a mental or physical illness, strengthening relationships, letting go of something toxic, or anything you’ve set your mind to do. No matter what you choose to do, consistently climbing over and pushing through is needed in order to convert your intention into result. That’s where perseverance comes into play.

The will to complete what you’ve set your mind to do goes hand in hand with perseverance. When you’re willing to push, you will push no matter how hard it is.

It is easy to give up when things get tough, when something isn’t going your way, when you’re demoralized by the constant income of obstacles. But here’s the thing, if you truly, in your heart, believe that what you set out to do is essential in your life, then it’s worth working through the pain.

For instance, living with a mental illness is hard, debilitating, isolating and painful. Healing from it is one of the most difficult things to do. But you’re aware that not attempting to heal will only make things worse. Adding to that, a mental illness can make simple daily tasks extremely difficult to accomplish. Needless to say, it hinders your growth, happiness and success as well. Hence, recovery is a necessity. That understanding, that importance once established gives you the will to move forward. This applies to any other thing you decide to accomplish.

All this being said, does it mean that you must not rest when you’re exhausted? No.

Perseverance does mean moving forward despite obstacles but it doesn’t make you immune to pain. It is okay to feel pain, to fall, and to pause. Resting doesn’t mean you’re giving up. Allow yourself space for being human. Feel what you need to feel and get back up once again. 

When you are faced with obstacles, diversions, distractions, hindrances and delays, yet you push through- that is PERSEVERANCE- you PERSEVERE.