
“A #STUKGIRL is a multidimensional woman of substance. She wears many entrepreneurial hats in this life, embraces her own creativity and self love to the fullest. She does what she loves and inspires others while doing it. And she helps teach girls about self love” – STUK Designs

We feel so blessed to have connected with this magical #STUKGIRL and IAMTHATGIRL Madelyn! We originally met Maddy when she interviewed STUK for IAMTHATGIRL (a nation wide nonprofit)! She is a powerhouse intern, a fashion slayer and an actual beauty Queen with philanthropic drive and motivation! Her passion and zest for life inspire us everyday! Whether she is posting motivational quotes, service work, inspiring workout photos or beauty content, she uplifts everyone around her and she is a true leader! Madelyn is heavily involved with the Miss America Organization as a local titleholder. Through the organization, she has social platforms that she advocates for throughout this year of service and beyond. We are happy to announce that Madelyn has chosen to advocate for STUK! She is now a STUK DESIGNS partner! She visits schools and organizations promoting female empowerment and intends to help spread our message as well as our merchandise! We are so thankful for this actual QUEEN! Get into her story! It will give you LIFE!

Your Name: Madelyn Steurer
Your Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Where are you from? Jeffersonville, Indiana

What’s your focus, purpose, passion, and contribution to the world? I'm a local titleholder in the Miss America Organization, and my platform "I Am That Girl" is all about empowering young women to be the leaders of tomorrow. I want women everywhere to be equipped with the tools and confidence to take control of their goals and dreams. I find immense joy in speaking truth into other women, giving them confidence, and creating a community of strong females!! 

How do you do it and who do you do it with?  I'm a local titleholder in the Miss America Organization, and my platform "I Am That Girl" is the tool I use to embolden girls and spark action to create a better place!

What are your special talents? I have been a performer since I was a young girl. I'm a singer, dancer, and actress. It's totally my dream to be in professional shows and films one day!

What are you working on at the moment? I just debuted a musical at the University of Notre Dame called Stupid Humans. My friend actually wrote the show, and I am the first person to play the leading role of Clara, a super quirky girl chasing after the love of her life and her goal of becoming a seamstress. It's been a crazy process, but I wouldn't change it for anything! 

What does your art mean to you? I have never felt so alive as I do on a stage. When I play a different character, I completely become immersed with it. I'll do countless research, method acting, and watch inspirational videos up until the time I close a show. To me, life is nothing without music. Isn't it so beautiful that something can make us feel without any words? Being an actress means being able to share the deepest sense of human expression with the world, and I'm so blessed to have been given that talent from a young age. It's truly a gift from God. 

What does love mean to you? Love will never be easy. It's sacrifice. It's seeing someone as they truly are - stripped of makeup, screaming, getting sad, highs, lows, everything... and still loving them as fiercely as you did at their best. When the going gets tough, love doesn't vanish. It's perhaps the truest thing there is. And when it's done right, it's pure. Whether that's family love, romantic love, or friend love. When you love someone, you ask nothing more of that individual than for them to just be themselves. 

How does your zodiac sign impact the way you love? I’m a Sagg, so I would say I'm pretty outwardly expressive with my emotions, and oftentimes a bit dramatic. When I love, I love HARD. I will smother you with affection and you'll be the light of my life. You'll know when I'm happy because I'll be on top of the world. And you'll know when I'm sad in our love because I'll cry... until I move onto more pleasant things. 

What does God mean to you? I'm Catholic, and have gone to Catholic school my entire life. God is at the center of everything for me, but that was always a choice of mine. Spirituality has never been forced on me. In fact, I grew more spiritually in college than I ever have. I had a bit of an emotional roller coaster ride at the beginning of junior year, and I'd like to think it led me to a spiritual awakening. I have seen that no matter what earthly trials I face, none of that really matters because there is something so much greater to live for. I see God mostly in nature - it's why I love to be outside. Something I constantly think about is this: why compare yourself when God made you so unique? The same God that created the sea and the moon and the sun created YOU. He thought you needed a place in this world - so take a deep breath and realize you can rest in Him. 

When did you learn self-love? COLLEGE. Wow, in high school I would stress so much about perfect grades and perfect everything. I would stay up late doing homework and working on my craft in the theatre. I was practically digging a hole for myself because I didn't love on myself. When I came to Notre Dame, I saw that if I didn't take care of myself, I would really suffer. I got a really awful case of the flu my freshman year and decided I was sick of not pampering myself. So now I am constantly doing it. I take time out of my day to work on my passion projects, meditate, journal, read scripture, and even take long showers or extra time for my hair and makeup. There is no shame in loving yourself. 

How has practicing self-love changed your life? I can finally breathe. My days are hectic. I have decided that starting my day at 5:00am is best for me though. The gym is my therapy, and I've recently been working super hard on my body. I don't care about aesthetics, but I'm looking for longevity in life. Taking care of myself through proper exercise and nutrition is so important to me. I'll even be starting a Youtube soon (almost finished editing my first video) about my fitness journey, fashion/beauty, and pageant lifestyle. Stay tuned!!!

What is your philosophy of life? Go for it. Nothing is ever too big of a dream. We need it all: creatives, scientists, philanthropists. You have nothing to lose. Chase your dream. 

What advice would you give someone who is attempting to make a dream into a career? Work harder than the person next to you. And when you think you are working the hardest you can, push a little more. It will always set you above others. 

Nobody knows I am.... a super bad procrastinator. I think people believe I have my stuff together a lot better than I actually do. I always meet the deadline, but I'm not going to have it done a week in advance. I seriously work better under pressure. I've written my best essays at 4:00AM. 

I wish I could stop... TALKING SO NEGATIVELY TO MYSELF. Everyday I see images of people and I aspire to be where they are in their careers, but it gets so overwhelming that sometimes I ask myself if I will make it. And hey, we all do that. No shame, you don't have to act like you love yourself 24/7. But we have to stop being our own worst critics. 

Self love means... Looking in the mirror and being okay with who and where you are. 

I find true beauty in… integrity. When people are able to be so unapologetically themselves, without worrying what others will think, I think it's the most beautiful thing in the world. I strive to be honest and raw. 

I want to teach my child or children that... no one on this earth is better than anyone else. You treat the janitor the same way you treat the CEO because we are all HUMAN BEINGS. We all want to be loved. We all want to be noticed and appreciated. My mother taught me that, and her mother taught her that. It's something I never want my future children to forget.